Falls Run Park, Pennsylvania

With COVID 19 limiting travel and adventures outside of the United States, and even at times inside of the United States I decided to take this as an opportunity to create my own adventures in my own home state. I am lucky enough to live in a mecca of nature, beauty, and at times (probably more than I would like to admit) even oddity. So until broader locations are opened to me I will be exploring my little piece of the world. Many of these locations are the places that originally gave me the desire to see the world and to the realization and appreciation of the beauty that is around me if I was open enough to look.

If there is one thing that Pennsylvania is not lacking in is natural beauty and locations that are truly breathtaking, even when only a few miles from major cities or metropolitan areas. Tucked away in Glenshaw, Pennsylvania, only a short trek north of Pittsburgh is one of the city’s best-kept secrets, Falls Run Park. Though not one of the more well-known or popular parks in Pennsylvania this is one of the more unique locations especially in the midst of Allegheny Parks.  When driving up to this unsuspecting location, visitors are welcomed by a small parking lot and sports field, but don’t let this façade fool you, the true beauty of this place is hidden a little deeper in the heart of this breathtaking location. 

One of the most popular attractions in Falls Run Park is that it is home to one of the largest waterfalls in the Pittsburgh area. Unlike many of the waterfalls in Western Pennsylvania that run through fast-moving waters, this waterfall is fed through a smaller branch of rivers which allows visitors to have a more interactive experience with the falls. In the summer season, many will use this location as a way to cool down during the humid summer weather or simply be mesmerized by its beauty. Another interesting feature of these falls is that not only can you climb down to the fall and stand underneath it but you also can climb the wooden stairs beside which leads to the lookout point on top of the falls which is about 30 feet from the ground. There are literally no safety measures put into place which would stop one from falling off the edge so remember to be safe and watch out for wet ground.  What I find truly unique about this location is the whole park is very hands on, visitors can climb down to the various waterways, waterfall, rock formations, and trees with virtually no barriers. If you are someone like me who likes to explore and get dirty this is a location you want to make a stop at.

Besides a stunning waterfall, Falls Run Park also gives visitors miles of beautiful hiking area enclosed with a ravine of various trees and wildlife. Natural waterways are entwined throughout the path with quaint wooden bridges that truly transport you to a wooded wonderland. The fall is my favorite time to visit this location, it is truly stunning with its vibrantly colored leaves, babbling water, wooden bridges it looks like something out of a postcard. Though only a short distance from busy route 8 travelers to this serene location would never be able to tell that they weren’t in a more rural locale.  Parking is limited so, it is best to visit this location on a weekday or early morning/later in the evening during late spring and summer months.  As someone who worked in the city for many years I know that a location like this is a true gem, especially due to its location, amongst the pavement walkways, traffic jams, and skyscrapers that are the reality of most peoples everyday.

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