The Giants Causeway, Northern Ireland

There are few locations in the world that are as memorable as the Giant’s Causeway in Antrim, Northern Ireland. As you enter the Causeway you will be welcomed by a vast coastline offering picturesque views of the rugged landscape and magnificent seascape which seems like something that you only read about in old books of ancient Ireland.

The Giant’s Causeway has a long history, steeped in Gaelic lore with many different origin stories. One of these stories is that it is believed that the Causeway was created by Irish Giant Finn MacCool after he was challenged to fight Scottish giant Benandonner. Since the two giants were separated by the ocean the causeway was built so that the two could meet. Though there is a more natural explanation for the rock formations, Irish lore is something not to be missed while visiting. The Giant’s Causeway is home to over 40,000 interlocking basalt columns that overlook the ocean. Though simply referred to as the Giants Causeway this location actually has three separate sets of rock formations, the largest and most famous being the Grand Causeway. This one of a kind ancient rock formation was created as the result of an ancient volcanic eruption, leaving behind a stunning collection of rock columns along the coastline. Some of the other notable rock formations that call this area home at the Causeway are The Giants Boot ( a stone structure that legend says is the boot of Benandonner), The Wishing Chair (a stone seat formation), and The Camel (believed to be the camel of Finn MacCool turned to stone).

 Climbing through the Giant’s Causeway’s interlocking maze of rock columns and enjoying the natural and stunning beauty of the ocean was a defining part of my trip to Northern Ireland and an experience that I am likely to never forget. The varying heights and sizes of the rocks make a stunning design and field for exploration and you can easily spend hours making your way through the different rock formations in the area. Though mostly flat on top the rocks are surprisingly smooth so keep your footing to make sure you don’t fall into other columns or the ocean itself. What makes this experience so unique is that there are no barriers or bars, just yourself, and this natural phenomenon in its true form. You are welcome to explore as far and as long as you desire so take your time and take advantage of this beautiful location.  While at the Causeway don’t forget to save some time to visit the Clifftop Trails, these stunning trails directly above the stone structures give you the opportunity to not only see the Causeway but also the ocean from a birds-eye view. Trust me, these are views that you don’t want to miss!

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