48 Hours in Salem, Massachusetts

One of my favorite things about Salem is that it is the ultimate comeback story. A town that was once defined in history as a place of persecution and intolerance is now a mecca for witches, spiritualism, the supernatural, satanism, and all beliefs in between. Though most popular during  the Halloween season due its rich history, torrid past, and overall ambience Salem is an amazing place to visit any time of the year. Still wanting to get the beautiful fall scenery and autumn vibes without the chaotic September and October months in Salem, we decided to visit over the Thanksgiving weekend. With temperatures in the 50’s and the last of the fall foliage still in view, we picked the perfect time to visit. Though there is much to explore in Salem, 48 hours is the perfect amount of time to take in the town and all of its amazing sights.

Historical Salem

Walking through the historical parts of Salem can make you feel like you are being transported to early revolutionary America. With period architecture, stone roads, and winding hundred year old trees it’s easy to get caught up in the history of this location.

One of the easiest ways to get an overview of the history of Salem and its historic hotspots is by following the Salem Heritage Trail. This red strip which can be seen on many of the sidewalks and pedestrian areas throughout Salem can be used to guide you through the town and the many main attractions and landmarks. If you want to plan your path on the trail you can visit Salem’s visitors website for a map of the trail before you arrive or for those a little more daring, follow your own path and see where it leads you.  

If you want to learn more about the Salem Witch Trials or The Witches of today then the Salem Witch Museum is a must stop visit while in Salem. With life-size replicas and knowledgeable tour guides this is one of the best locations in Salem to learn about the town’s devastating history and evolution.

Salem Witch Memorials is arguably one of the most popular and impactful locations in all of Salem. This stunning yet simple stone memorial honors the 20 individuals that were victims of the Salem Witch Trials who were unjustly killed because of their unwavering commitment to truth . Small benches are etched with the name of each victim and the date of their execution. 

Charter Street Cemetery is the oldest maintained cemetery in all of Salem and is the final resting place of many infamous Salem Witch Trial judges and participants such as John Hawthorne and Bartholomew Gedney. It is also home to many revolutionary war victims and other well known individuals from Salem.

The Bewitched Statue is a quirky addition to this historical location. America’s favorite TV witch is depicted in a copper statue in the middle of Salem. This popular photo attraction is just another great example of how this once repressed location has freed itself from its bindings and instead embraced what was once condemned.

Just a short drive outside of downtown Salem, you can find Winter Island Lighthouse & Park. This idyllic location was once home to the U.S. Coast Guard but now is used as a public marina for locals and visitors alike. Visitors are welcomed by stunning Coastal views and a quaint lighthouse that creates the quintessential scenery of this Northeastern town.


I truly believe no matter what city you were visiting in the world the best way to understand the city and the inhabitants who lived there is by wandering. Staying off the neatly made path for tourists is often the quickest way to see the true heart of a location. Salem is no different, I purposely went back to town after most the shops are closed and the tourist attractions had locked up for the night and that’s when I got a true sense of Salem and its people. With stunning architecture and brick roads it is enchanting even at night , just to walk around by street lights and see the town in its natural state.


Even though shopping is not usually one of the highlights for me when traveling I must say that Salem is an exception. With a wide array of shops that cater to everyone from the souvenir seeking tourist to religious and spiritualist individuals as well Salem is a town that can be taken in with all of the senses. Even wandering through the different stores that are scattered throughout the town, individuals are being opened up to a new world that they may have never known existed before. Crystals, books, incense, candles, tarot cards, and herbs line the large glass windows, inside visitors are welcomed by knowledgeable shop owners who love to share information about their craft. Though I am not a big shopper, one of my favorite finds was a witches ball. These traditionally glass blown orbs have been used for centuries as protection for the home, keeping evil away and protecting the inhabitants from harm in the home.

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