New River Gorge National Park

New River Gorge National Park, West Virginia is arguably one of the top tourist spots in the state. This stunning national park and nature preserve is free and open to visitors to explore. There are an array of breathtaking views, scenic hikes, and an array of outdoor activites which offer a unique experience for any visitor who steps foot here. This over 72,000 acre state park was originally created to protect and maintain the southern part of the Appalachian Mountians, it measures 53 miles in length and is home to an array of wildlife, natural history, and geological features that make this national park stand out amongst many in the area.

The New River Gorge Bridge is a stunning 3000+ feet long steel arch is one of the largest steel arch bridges in the world (their title being taken away by China’s Shanghai Lupu Bridge in 2003) which spans across the New River Gorge near Fayetteville, West Virginia. This exquisite metal structures is one of the most recognizable images amongst travelers and has become a popular location to take photos due to its centeralized location and accessibility from the main highway. The Canyon Rim Boardwalk is the best option when wanting to see the bridge and surrounding areas, this elevated overlook offers visitors exceptional scenic views of the gorge, bridge, and waterways below, while still being accessible with included ramp for those who need it.

Grandview, in my opinion, is one of the best places for hikers. It offers  some of the best views when visiting New River Gorge while still offering flexibility in activities for visitors of all ages and abilities. This area of the park offers some of the most stunning scenery and is a great location for a hike or even picnic amongst the beautiful backdrop of the area. This is one of the best locations for those who want to get an amazing view of the stunning park from above make sure to check out the Main Overlook. One of my favorite times to visit this area is the fall because you’ll be able to get stunning views of the trees changing colors and it offers some great opportunities for those who like to take photos of nature.

One of the most popular activities at New River Gorge is whitewater rafting. This popular outdoor activity is able to be enjoyed in a variety of locations throughout the park. Due to the variety of whitewater rafting classes available at New River Gorge it’s a popular location for moderate to experienced rafters. There’s over 53 miles of area to utilize when whitewater rafting. The southern river is the more tame of the areas consisting of class 1-3 which are relatively easy rapids. For those who are looking for a little more challenging rapids the northern river may be a better fit. This river has large rapids that range in difficulty from class 3-5. These aggressive rapids are forceful and uncontrollable, with scattered large boulders that add to the difficulty of this course.

New River Gorge is an amazing place to enjoy nature and see some of the country’s best and most beautiful scenery. Even if you’re not a hiker or someone who really likes being in nature physically you can still experience the stunning State Park by taking a drive on the scenic highway. This highway is over 82 miles long and offers visitors the opportunity to see some of the most stunning sites without being actually involved with the nature component of the park.

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